king kong pg

Parents Guide · Sex & Nudity (7) · Violence & Gore (31) · Profanity (2) · Alhol, Drugs & Smoking (4) · Frightening & Intense Scenes (11) · Certifition.Spectacur remake has violence, intense peril. Read Coon Sense Media's King Kong (2005) review, age rating, and parents guide.Storyline ; Genres · Romance ; Motion Picture Rating (MPAA). Rated PG-13 for frightening adventure violence and disturbing images.A few scenes of shootings. Sexual ntent has a little bit of flirting and kissing, very mild. Language is not bad but has a few curse words here and ere.King Kong · Story · Thes. Cruelty to animals; greed · Violence. There is a lot of violence in is movie, much of it brutal and grue. For example: A violent ...As a fish-out-of-water story, King Kong implies at what one creature lls ho n be a hostile, dangero pce to anoer, be it e jungle or e city.Why is King Kong rated PG-13? The PG-13 rating is for frightening adventure violence and disturbing imagesLatest news about King Kong, ...The film pany UIP stated at ey were keen to get a 12A cssifition for e film, which had been cssified PG-13 in e US. After e viewing ey were ...King Kong is a 2005 epic adventure monster film -written, produced, and directed by Peter Jackn. It is e eigh entry in e King Kong franchise and ...Ademy Award®-winning director Peter Jackn (The Lord of e Rings Trilogy) brings his sweeping cinematic vision to King Kong. Naomi Watts, Jack B ... PG-13 ...Dec 14, 2005 — "KING KONG" (2005) (Naomi Watts ... The following is a brief suary of e ntent found in is -adventure film at's been rated PG-13.Amazon.: King Kong : Naomi Watts, Jack Bck, Adrien Brody, Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks, Peter Jackn, Peter Jackn, ...Ademy Award®-winning director Peter Jackn (The Lord of e Rings Trilogy) brings his sweeping cinematic vision to King Kong.